DECK Message
Communication is key. DECK DecisionWare takes this serious by ensuring that any way your company may need to communicate is covered with DECK Message.
Ensure you, your staff and external stakeholders are always in the know
DECK Message offers four bands of communication
Text Message (SMS)
Send and receive text messages to and from DECK DecisionWare. For example, get text message when a KIP is falling behind and text yourself reminders that appears when you login.
Send and receive emails to and from DECK DecisionWare, accessing a complete history of contact.
In-tool Messaging
Collaborate with co-workers about queries or reports, sales or employee performance, and track it all with DECK Message.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Need to ensure worker safety in the field? Have an automated voice call them and enter a code to verify their safety.
Key Features in DECK Message
Get notified when reports are ready or when your co-worker has shared a query with you.
Red-flag Notifications
Get notified with a KPI is falling behind and needs your attention, for example.
Notification Preferences
Choose if you’d like to be notified via text or email, or maybe all of the above.
Multiple Channels
The same message can be sent out using all four communication channels.
2-way Communication
Not only does DECK Message send out messages to users, or external stakeholders, you can also send texts or emails to DECK DecisionWare, perhaps with reminders of your daily to-dos.
Additional DECK Plugins
{Your Plugin Here}Wish there was extra functionality within DECK DecisionWare in order to make it a complete solution for you? Tell us about it! We provide custom plugins for our customers all the time and it’s how we marry our product offering with our service offering of custom software development. |
About the Developers
DECK DecisionWare is built and maintained by Spieker Point Inc. in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In 2011 we started the development of DECK DecisionWare with the goal of providing extensive core functionality, without limitations to customization found with commercial-off-the-shelf products. Allowing our customers to get exactly what they need to excel in their market.
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